Throughout The Project has endeavoured to:
Raise awareness of the wider historical importance of the Battle of Mortimer’s Cross during the Wars of the Roses and highlight its great significance in bringing Edward IV to the throne.
Promote battlefield visits and enhance visitors' experience by producing high-quality interpretation and visitor information for use on-site and online, using local support.
Meet the demand for an improved understanding of the battle, battlefield and historic landscape amongst the local and wider community through locally run public events, exhibitions and school activities.
Engage volunteers from local communities in an investigation of the battlefield and historic landscape, local folklore and place names and reported finds, to more accurately identify the site and improve understanding of that landscape.
Provide information on the battlefield’s extent and character, enabling more effective conservation management and further supporting the case for its addition to the Battlefields Register.
Provide training for volunteers from the local and national community to fill an important gap in knowledge and skills in better managing this and future battlefield investigations. Specifically by developing skills in the battlefield and wider historic landscape interpretation, conservation, project design and management.
Glenn Foard The Buzzards Landscape overview
The Hereford Public Records office is a rich source of local archives. Frequent visits by volunteers, led by Glenn and Tracey, require a patient and keen eye for detail. It does bring its rewards as we learn more about the period and the battlefield area.
The heavy fog did not deter our determined team of detectorist volunteers, led by archaeologist Dr Glenn Foard.
Professor Tracey Partida began our Talk and Walk Day in 2018. Tracey, our landscape archaeologist, gave us some useful insights into field detective work.